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What Can Anatomy and Brainwaves Tell Us About Human and Dolphin Hearing In-Person

How does a musician know the precise moment to start playing? How does a dolphin hunt fish in murky water? These situations involve the use of auditory information to help predict a future that requires action on relatively fast time scales. Both species are specialized in terms of auditory perception and vocal communication, but their environments are quite different, and lead to different brain specializations through evolution. In this talk I'll describe some of the similarities, differences, and challenges in comparing these two remarkable species. 

Matt Schalles holds appointments as an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience at Aurora University, and as special research faculty in the Carnegie Mellon University Neuroscience institute.

Thursday, January 18, 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Foley Community Room
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